Gray Hairs

Post-shower’s when they pinion my attention most

As beholding a toddler’s stage of discovery, 

Alternating ‘tween exasperating and profound

Errant, defiant, independent, they stand up 

Refusing to be soothed

Refusing to be ignored

Demanding my consideration.

Their effect

Reminds me to forsake any illusion of control.

And yet

Wonder holds some sway.

Like the wonder of watching a wee one walk on tentative legs,

The beginning of such a crown – these gray hairs – 

Whisper as much; “how have I come this far?”


2 thoughts on “Gray Hairs

  1. Alex used to pick them out of my hair, not now though. The worst are the eyebrows! I am so enjoying your blog! Keep writing, please.


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