
A new peace descends
It’ll probably be displaced by some scurrying, unexpected,

Terrible trouble

But –

For this moment

Trouble, lofty pursuits,

“Grander” things

(Than savoring a bit of quiet)

Seem a little trumped up

Falsely grand

(a little silly?).

I don’t mean to judge

It’s just that

This new peace that’s descended

Seems enough to accomplish most anything

– Seems like everything –

Without lots of trying

And I do hope that this basking

Will serve to extend it

If even a little further…
Thank You, Lord.
Psalm 34:10

James 1:4

4 thoughts on “Relief

  1. I love your expression here Amy of a peace that seems capable of accomplishing most anything. That is it! Once very early on when I was first studying A Course in Miracles there were a few friends I met with to discuss it. And my entire focus at the time was just to stay in contact with that type of peace. And this friend of mine could see I was experiencing something, and wanted to know, how do you get all that out of the word peace!? What we experience when we truly make contact with peace is indeed limitless and compelling…


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes. I love how a word’s meaning and meaningfulness can change and ebb and flow so much. Maybe it’s because I can only handle these little bits a time – I liked how you referred to a similar thing in a response on your blog as “a drop” – that a word is enough and more than enough sometimes to reflect on (and then hopefully) to its saturation point that it’ll then overflow. (That’s the hope, anyways!) I continue to be blown away at how very loaded a word can be – and not in a bad way but in such a wonderfully full and rich way. They mean something, these words! Hallelujah for the truth of a thing and for the words that enliven it!

    Right now – even tonight as I’m responsible for a lesson for children tomorrow on ‘grace’ as it relates to the story of Pontius Pilate and his forsaking of the opportunity that was his to enjoy of setting Jesus free – the word is ‘grace.’ This grace thing is harder than peace. At least what I believe it’s asking of me at this specific point in my own life. That I have to make it real for children tomorrow when I am struggling with it myself is daunting. Grace requires something of me – often something I don’t want to give – instead of, like peace, being something nice and one sided that I just get to absorb, should I so choose. ‘Course, we know better, don’t we: peace is not so simple as that?!

    I wanted to tell you (totally assuming you even read this!) that your care-full description/position on and of Jesus, God, designations therein and thereto and therefrom was a masterful, sensitive, brilliant, cogent, loving thing. I don’t know if you know of what I speak, but I hope you do. Well done and kudos for your care-full grappling with all of that. I’ve worried all day that I had no business “speaking up” on your blog as I don’t normally “speak up” as I felt compelled to do today. But your willingness to similarly take time with an explanation put me at ease – at least insofar as this is an appropriate venue for such discussions – and I am grateful to you not only in that way, but for the way you wove your response and so helped me think better about my own.

    So if you want to enlighten me on grace, the floor is open! πŸ™‚ Thanks again and keep up the good work. Truly.


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